032 - Building a Startup in the Trade Show Industry with Hunter McKinley & Jordan Walker

From college buddies to startup founders! Listen to Jordan Walker & Hunter McKinley share their entrepreneurial journey from bootstrapping to securing venture capital. Don't miss their inspiring story!
Time Stamps
- 01:14 - Welcome Back Jordan and Hunter!
- 03:18 - The Origin Story of Backtrack
- 07:24 - The Product Hunt Breakthrough
- 10:58 - Venture Capital Journey
- 13:56 - Challenges and Lessons Learned
- 20:11 - Current Status and Future Plans
Snippets from the Episode
- “It was like the market loved our product that we built just for solving our own problems. So when the market said, "Hey, we like that too." It turns out investors wanted to invest in that product and technology as well. - Hunter McKinley
- The biggest thing that makes backtrack so unique is that we record backwards - like a car dash cam, not forwards - like some of the legacy recording tools that we all know and maybe use today." - Jordan Walker
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